Partners discuss supplier relationship

Supply chain transformation

Expert support to help transform your supply chain for improved resilience, efficiency and sustainability

How we can help

A robust supply chain is essential in enabling you to succeed now and in the future.

How you achieve this will depend on what stage your supply chain is at - our expert teams can help every step of the way. Whether you’re looking at creating a new supply chain or strengthening an existing one, we’ll ensure yours is robust, resilient and equipped for future change.

We’ll help you embark on a supply chain transformation journey that reduces costs and complexity, whilst increasing flexibility, so that you can easily adapt new technologies and drive sustainable progress and growth.

Using a combination of sector knowledge, industrial experience, and proven supply chain development tools, our world-leading experts tailor a development pathway suited to your unique requirements. We specialise in creating and developing supply chains for technologies and innovative methodologies.

Cy Keogh MTC

Meet Cy, our Supply Chain expert

Since 2008, Cy has been designing and delivering supply chain development programmes. At the MTC, he focuses on assessing supply chain capability, evaluating risks, and enhancing supply chains as strategic assets. He led the creation of the MTC's Supplier Capability and Resilience Assessment (SCRA) and assessments for sustainable supply chains and cybersecurity, aiding over 200 UK companies. Cy has published on entrepreneurship, contributed to reports on supply chain readiness and space based solar power, and frequently speaks at space supply chain conferences. He also manages the MTC’s Supply Chain Delivery Framework. 

Our supply chain solutions





Our approach

A structured approach to supply chain strategy covering:

  • Supply chain evaluation & strategy
  • Make vs Buy
  • Creation of new supply chains
  • Improving existing suppliers’ performance
  • Supply chain digital transformation
  • Security, resilience & sustainability
  • Supply chain simulation & optimisation
  • Supply chain culture and skills
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Sourcing new suppliers
  • Reshoring or onshoring
  • Sector supply chain analysis
Member off staff stock management

The MTC’s world leading subject experts will tailor the development pathway to suit your unique requirements.



This stage involves crafting a design concept outline and developing a high-level business case with careful consideration of supply chain implications at every level.



Assessment of manufacturing process selection including technology selection and adoption, method of manufacture and optimal process chain considering supply factors. Value stream analysis includes raw material component, sub assembly, final assembly value build, handling variants and decoupling points based on the manufacturing or assembly routing and bill of material.

Supply Chain

Supply chain

Following the research stage we then begin to understand what future supply chains can be through supply chain mapping; sourcing options (UK v EU v RoW / existing / repurpose / new), supply chain based on the quality and control needs, risk/resilience, service level, lead-time, connectivity etc. Through network modelling and simulation we optimise alternative supply chain configurations, supply chain vision, future state design and road map.



Here, we look at the transformational aspects; make vs buy - selected supply chain configuration, impact of volume, capacity and cost of changes. Supply chain requirements definition - strategic, tactical and operational requirements for the supply chain translated into capabilities. We also complete a supply chain capability readiness assessment, assess individual suppliers’ maturity versus the capability needed.



A critical part of the process is making sure new supply chains or supply chain transformations are ready for the commercial world - supply chain development/leverage/transformation/roadmap identifies how to close the gaps in supply chain capabilities. Supply chain performance improvement shows the support needed to achieve the supply chain capabilities and capacity required.



Supply chain redefined, renewed or repurposed to extend product life and profitability in response to end of life.

A trusted partner

  • Access to facilities including production representative equipment, support processes and resources to complete capability trials
  • Network of UK suppliers and members
  • Experienced in progressing products and technologies through the Manufacturing, Technology and Supply Chain Readiness Levels (MRL, TRL & SCRL)
  • An unbiased, independent view and assessment of your supply chain status and future requirements
  • Access to world leading subject experts with extensive industrial knowledge and supply chain development experience
  • A fully scalable approach covering both the size and maturity of your supply chain
  • Clarity and transparency of the supply chain impact on business performance and how to harness and develop this
MTC experts exploring growth


Your questions answered

How can I improve my supply chain?

We have a structured approach to supply chain transformation with rapid assessment and focused interventions so we can identify priority areas and get working straight away.

I am having delivery issues from overseas suppliers can you help reshoring of our supply?

My supplier’s on-time delivery is poor. What can I do?

How can I introduce technology into my supply chain?

I need help to get my suppliers ready for digital connectivity. Can you do this?

Our supply chain is complex and problematic, how do we solve this?

Get in touch

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