Expert assessing factory emissions

Sustainable manufacturing processes for net zero

Expert, unbiased support and knowledge to help your organisation become more sustainable and achieve its net zero goals

How we can help

Take the next confident step on your sustainability journey 

Reaching Net Zero by 2050 is one of the biggest challenges facing UK manufacturing today and the sustainable manufacturing landscape is a complex one to navigate. However, with the right advice and guidance a clear roadmap can be achieved and implemented. Our experts can support your business to hit government net zero targets, while streamlining and improving your processes along the way.

One of the biggest challenges can be knowing where to start. We’ll help you get past the jargon and show how you can make real, impactful change. Whether you have taken the first step already or at the beginning of your journey, having a clear roadmap to achieve your sustainability goals is imperative. Our team of experts can work with you to produce an achievable roadmap and help you measure its success along the way.

Whether you want to know more about sustainable manufacturing processes, make the transition to renewable energy sources, or ensure you have the sustainability credentials to become part of valuable supply chains required by large organisations, our team of world-leading, cross-sector experts will be on hand to support every stage of your sustainability journey and embed sustainable principles and knowledge in your business.

Liz Scoffins MTC

Meet Liz, our Sustainability Expert

Liz is a Sustainability Expert leading the Sustainability Transformation Team at the MTC. She heads the MTC Sustainable Manufacturing and Circular Materials IMPACT programme for FY24-25. Her work focuses on sustainable manufacturing, alternative fuels like hydrogen and batteries, decarbonisation in the Built Environment, and early sustainability interventions for SMEs. Recent projects include investigating diesel-free construction sites and assessing technology and manufacturing readiness levels for Innovate UK-sponsored research projects. 

Our sustainable manufacturing solutions





Our approach

A structured approach to sustainable manufacturing:

Sustainability road mapping
Sustainable manufacturing Net Zero

Sustainability road mapping

Getting clear on your sustainability goals and the steps you’re taking to get there is key to success. We’ll help you create a detailed plan, making it much easier for you to see what your next actions should be.

A trusted partner

  •  Access to a wide range of manufacturing facilities, technologies and expertise
  • A network of UK members and suppliers
  • Independent, unbiased assessment of your current sustainability levels
  • Access to world-leading experts with extensive experience in sustainability and advanced manufacturing processes
  • A fully scalable approach, designed specifically for the size and preparedness levels of your organisation
  • Clarity and transparency on sustainability legislation and policies
  • MTC Training can provide courses to upskill workforces across many different industries

Sustainability partner


Your questions answered

How do I reduce the energy bills for my business?

A good place to start is by getting to grips with exactly what the bills are right now, any fluctuations within them, and looking at whether any measures you’ve already put in place have shown a positive result. The next step is to identify energy hot spots - so looking into ways of being able to obtain granularity in energy consumption data. From there we can identify biggest areas for improvement.

A way to make an impact quickly can be introducing things like LED light-bulbs, but the biggest changes often come through things like redesigning manufacturing processes and introducing efficiencies on the factory floor. Our experts can carry out independent surveys of your facilities, helping to spot opportunities for change, and creating a sustainability roadmap. 

We’re only a small business, can we still get sustainable manufacturing support from you?

How can I create a sustainable/net zero facility?

How do I start a sustainability journey?

Get in touch

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