Improving inspection quality & reducing inspection time through new technology
Project challenges
There are different measurement systems and inconsistent strategies across the manufacturing sites; Tactile Co-ordinate Measurement Machines (CMMs) are the current inspection technique, and are not capable of inspecting all features and are a bottleneck in the process.
Business challenge
Process Innovation
Technology or capability
Process Design
Metrology & NDT
The Challenge
GE Power manufactured 10 types of blades, at the time of the project, across a variety of different manufacturing sites, which presents the following challenges:
- There are different measurement systems and inconsistent strategies across the manufacturing sites;
- Tactile Co-ordinate Measurement Machines (CMMs) are the current inspection technique, and are not capable of inspecting all features and are a bottleneck in the process.
The aim of the project was to identify a measurement system that would be able to inspect all blade features and remove the bottleneck from the process.
MTC's Solution
MTC used their rigorous down selection process, which converts a customer’s requirements into numerical weightings, and a series of customised measurement trials to identify the most appropriate measurement system for that specific application, namely for GE Power blade inspection.
GE Power created three blade based artefacts with representative features that are typical across the family of blade products. The blade artefacts were the target for the measurement trials.
Working on a project with such complex geometries that were challenging to inspect, and identifying a solution that not only achieved 100% coverage of the part, but also reduced inspection time, was highly satisfying.
Liam Bradley-Smith - Technical Specialist, MTC
The Outcome
- The Nikon Metrology LC15Dx laser line scanner was identified as the most appropriate measurement system for GE Power blade inspection, it was capable of inspecting the entire blade and root geometry.
- The Nikon Metrology LC15Dx could inspect an entire blade four times faster than the current tactile inspection.
Benefits to the Client
- A measurement system was identified that could be applied to all blade manufacturing sites to allow for a consistent measurement system and strategy.
- The Nikon Metrology LC15Dx could be retrofitted to the majority of CMMs in GE Power’s landscape, greatly reducing the implementation cost.
- Working with the MTC has given GE Power exposure to the down selection process, which they have since adopted and used in the validation of other inspection technology.