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StirlingX joins the MTC as a new member

    • Defence & Security

        The MTC is delighted to announce the arrival of innovative drone and data solutions company StirlingX as a new member.

        StirlingX empowers customers to make critical decisions using multi-sensor data from drones. They provide Data-as-a-Service solutions to help customers access and exploit data using drones, delivering high-quality mass data through low-cost endurance flights. They also build sovereign and secure drones, which their customers can lease without having to buy, maintain, and operate their own hardware. Their solutions reduce the cost and risk associated with drone operations, enabling customers to make data-driven decisions in an efficient and effective way to gain a competitive advantage.

        We are delighted that StirlingX is now a member of the MTC. The MTC has been an invaluable partner for StirlingX to date, offering practical advice on how best to build and scale our manufacturing and R&D capability. As we embark on our next phase of growth, we have formalised that partnership and look forward to working with the MTC to drive innovations in the UAV industry. We hope to kick start our growth trajectory by combining the MTC’s unparalleled manufacturing capability with our unique insights and experience, enabling us to deliver against our mission of developing sovereign and secure drone solutions that will reshape the future of drone operations.

        Dean Jones, CEO, StirlingX

        The MTC is looking forward to being able to support StirlingX in developing their best-in-class drones and utilising their technology offering in support of our projects.

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